Saturday, May 24, 2008

Jenny & William: Episode 1... manifesting a light, romantic comedy

Jenny has spent the last 12 years involved with the online dating scene. Being fascinated with the social dynamics of this particular cultural phenomenon combined with the acceptance that her life is a journey filled with interactions that are much like a wine tasting event, Jenny is modestly engaged with the entertainment online dating provides.

One spring day William is browsing the personals. Spring is a time when the change of the seasons is quite powerful. Fall and spring have this power over men making them either want to nest because it is getting cold or frolic because it is getting warm. Either way the change of seasons inspires men without companions to capture one.

William is in his mid 40s tall, passionate, confident and amused by his own pass times. William plays in a jazz/blues band, sings in a choir and teaches music to young people. His day job is not so fulfilling, but lucrative. William longs to meet the love of his life—he is quite a romantic. This is a new awakening for William. After spending years in a loveless marriage, William awoke with a desire for a deep kind of love, hoping it wasn’t too late. Being a romantic he thinks there is time and that it possible. Not finding the deep love he longs for among his networks--he decides to try online dating. He looks through many pictures, reads many profiles and when he encounters Jenny—and her laughing eyes—he feels something stir in his chest. He decides to introduce himself.

Jenny--a personals veteran--has decided to have coffee with one of her latest personals contacts. She is skeptical about this one. She can usually tell from a few emails and phone conversations whether there is chemistry. She is getting mixed vibes—good email humor, not so great phone conversation. In it a way it warrants a quick coffee—it is not like the commitment of dinner or something where escape becomes awkward if the union is excruciating. So, coffee it is. Dale is very handsome—tall, nice everything. However, the chemistry is a bit too sexually charged—as if Dale is checking this one out for a quick fling. Dale also has a youthful spirit. It is cute, but Jenny is attracted to “old soul” wisdom. Not being turned on by a youthful, sexually charged encounter—at least at this time--Jenny and Dale part ways and neither phones the other again.

One morning Jenny notices there is a little love note in her personals mailbox. This one is from William. Jenny begins to read William’s email….

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